Sunday, September 12, 2010

Ferdinand de Saussure

"Everyone, left to his own devices, forms an idea about what goes on in language which is very far from the truth"- Ferdinand de Saussure

Semiotics and Art History by Bal and Bryson, goes into detail about Ferdinand de Saussure's fundamental views of Semiotics. Saussure is the one of the founding fathers of Semiotics. His view is if others want to know how things function, such as words in a language, then they "must set to one side both the aspects of historical change within particular languages over time and actual utterances or performances of language in local situations (parole)." If art spectators can use Saussure's view of the way signs work, they can understand the paintings or even have another way to approach the painting without being biased. It is really true how easily people become biased towards anything because of what people and the media say about certain things. If we could approach something in a semiotics way, we wouldn't be biased because it would be a natural process just like thinking process.

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